
We use commercial quality walk-behind machines for large residential mowing jobs, and on an average sized suburban block we’ll often rely on the very quiet AEG Commercial battery mowers. Either way we will guarantee a perfect cut every time. We can mulch your grass clippings into the lawn (the extra nitrogen can often be beneficial depending on the height and state of your lawn) or catch and dispose of clippings, leaving a fresh new surface for your enjoyment.

Lawns generally require more than mowing to keep them in premium condition. Irrigationand fertlising are obvious tasks to consider, and we can help with these tasks if you need assistance.

Many lawns can benefit from an annual ‘dethatching’ or ‘vertimowing’ to enhance their root systems, growth and general health. We have commercial equipment to provide these services outlined at dethatching and vertimowing.

If you have an area larger than 2,000 square metres, take a look at our Acreage Mowing page.